Paradisefold Blog

Meet my five favourite brands this Christmas

In our last two blogs in the run-up to Christmas, we discussed sustainable consumption. 'Christmas' and 'sustainability' can often feel like an oxymoron, that's why I like to support the brands and people I love and that are making a small difference in this world. This Christmas, I thought I'd share my five favourite brands. Three of these are also led by wonderful women who've also inspired me in my own creative journey. Completedworks is my ultimate favourite jewellery brand. They share our ethos of melding form and function in everyday objects, using recycled metals and material to create stunning jewellery and ceramics. Creative Director Anna Jewsbury incubated Completedworks in North London, and their lovely team makes them special. Anna's story is an...

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"Having been diagnosed with a life limiting condition, my advice would be don't let a lack of confidence hold you back from doing anything, and just do it!"⁠

We met Sarah about 18 months ago when she purchased one of our original Leopard Turban. Through talking with her, we learnt that Sarah had been diagnosed with blood cancer and was using the turban to manage hair loss and regrowth through chemotherapy. Over the year, we kept in contact with Sarah, especially during Christmas, which she had to spend away from her family and children due to treatment. ⁠

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